(+63 046) 430-2294|+63 977-208-6945| +63 950-658-1288
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Company Profile
01 - Hygiene Management
A cleaning staff is always stationed in the factory to keep it clean. Employees wash their hands frequently and wear masks and gloves.

02 - Health Management and Care
In the wrought iron manufacturing process, there are many routine tasks and work in the same posture, so we regularly hold in-house sports competitions for the purpose of health.

03 - Teamwork
We are working to improve teamwork by creating opportunities for interaction, such as employee trips and Christmas parties.

04 - Motivation
We have a system for commending employees who have been most active in the year, commending employees who are not late and not absent, and commending model workers (ideal employees), which will be announced at the Christmas party. Efforts like this that lead to increased employee motivation lead to the production of high-quality wrought irons. We will continue to strive to improve the manufacturing environment so that our employees can always demonstrate their abilities comfortably.